

National Heritage continues to seek ways of helping the heritage industry and to improve visitor and user experience. We are very grateful for the support of our Friends, without which the travel bursaries and other initiatives would not be possible.

National Heritage is entirely run by volunteers, so every penny donated goes to support heritage. To become a Friend or make a one-off donation, please download a payment form and return to David Bromley.

Cost to be a Friend – £20 per year paid by Standing Order or a one-off donation of whatever you wish.

Legacy gifts are of enormous value. They enable us to kick-start inspirational projects, so if you are thinking of leaving National Heritage a legacy, please contact us.

Photos: V&A Museum © 123RF / irstone,
Background: The Great Court, British Museum © Trustees of the British Museum.

NATIONAL HERITAGE, Registered Charity no.313057
Hon. Administrator: David Bromley, 2 Birch Cottages, Horsell Birch, Horsell, Woking, Surrey GU21 4XB
Telephone: 01483 764521 | Email: David